
  • 肺结核性原发综合征恶化进展1(primary tuberculous complex of the lung with progressive exacebation)

  • 肺结核性原发综合征恶化进展2(primary tuberculous complex of the lung with progressive exacebation)

  • 肺结核性原发综合征恶化进展3(primary tuberculous complex of the lung with progressive exacebation)

  • 肺粟粒性结核病(pulmonary miliary tuberculosis)

  • 脾粟粒性结核病(miliary tuberculosis of the spleen)

  • 慢性纤维空洞型肺结核(pulmonary chronic fibrocavernous tuberculosis)

  • 干酪性肺炎(caseous pneumonia)

  • 肺结核瘤(tuberculoma of the lung)

  • 脊椎结核病(tuberculosis of the vertebra)

  • 肾结核病(tuberculosis of the kidney)

  • 肠结核病(tuberculosis of the small intestine)

  • 结核性脑膜炎(tuberculous meningitis)

  • 回肠伤寒(typhoid fever of the ileum)

  • 细菌性痢疾之结肠(bacillary dysentery of the colon)

Image 2 / 12 心脏褐色萎缩(brown atrophy of the heart)