
  • 目录

  • 胃消化性溃疡(peptic ulcer of the stomach; Magengeschwur)

  • 阑尾炎1(appendicitis;Appendizitis)

  • 阑尾炎2(appendicitis;Appendizitis)

  • 亚急性重症性肝炎(subacute severe hepatitis; Subakute schwere Hepatitis)

  • 门脉性肝硬变1(portal cirrhosis of the liver; Portale Leberzirrhose)

  • 门脉性肝硬变2(portal cirrhosis of the liver; Portale Leberzirrhose)

  • 食管静脉曲张(esophageal varices; Varizen des sophagus)

  • 食管癌1(carcinoma of the esophagus; sophaguskarzinom)

  • 食管癌2(carcinoma of the esophagus; sophaguskarzinom)

  • 食管癌3(carcinoma of the esophagus; sophaguskarzinom)

  • 胃癌(溃疡型)(carcinoma of the stomach 〈ulcerative type〉;Karzinom des Magens oder Magenkarzinom)

  • 胃癌(浸润型)(carcinoma of the stomach 〈infiltrating type〉; Magenkarzinom)

  • 结肠息肉状腺瘤(polypoid adenoma of the colon; Polyposes Adenom des Kolons)

  • 结肠多发性息肉病(polyposis coli; Polyose Kolon)

  • 直肠癌(adenocarcinoma of the rectum; Adenokarzinom des Rektums)

  • 直肠胶样癌(colloid carcinoma of the rectum; Kolloides Karzinom des Rektums)

  • 结节性肝癌(nodular liver cell carcinoma; Knotiges Leberzellkarzinom)

  • 巨块型肝癌(massive liver cell carcinoma; Massives Leberzellkarzinom)

Image 2 / 12 心脏褐色萎缩(brown atrophy of the heart)